If you are called by name or panel number to be a member of a jury trial panel, you and other members of the panel or panels will be sent to the Courthouse to report to the Ceremonial Courtroom (Mezzanine floor) or the Jury Assembly Room (8th floor). If you are selected to serve on a jury, you will be assigned to a courtroom. Once inside the courtroom, you should follow instructions given to you by the court attendant or by the judge. When a trial jury is selected and you are not a member of that jury, your jury service is concluded. If you have been selected to sit on a trial jury, generally, you will be permitted to return home at the close of each day’s court session. If you are unable to stay late due to your reliance on public transportation or a car pool, please notify the judge during the selection process. If an emergency arises while you are sitting as a juror, consult the judge about your problem. Should you need to get in touch with your family, the court attendant will be happy to assist you.